Thursday, November 19, 2009

Its been awhile since I have written. It seems some days life just takes over and I do not get a chance to do this. We have been diligently working on our fundraising, selling coffee, hot chocolate and candy bars. My brother has been very helpful in selling coffee and hot chocolate by him at work. This has been very helpful. Dan and I are close to hitting the recommitment amount needed. Scott still has a little ways to go. I am hoping some of his friends or their parents will come through for him along with a few letters he sent.

We have done two group walks now. The longest we have done has been 5 miles. This weekend we will be walking 6 miles. Training has been going well. As long as I remeber to stretch a little before walking and a litle while walking, by the 3rd mile, my leg muscles are finally warm and I am good to move along. Dan has been patient with this and is great by keeping pace with me for we are able to walk together.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thursday, November 5

Sitting at the bowling alley watching Dan bowl. We walked before coming, so it has been a good night so far. At least my legs are not in as much pain as they were before.

On Tuesday, I made a visit to the PT at the store In Step. This is where we purchased our shoes, because they take the time to fit shoes to make sure you get the correct type that will give the support needed. I met with the PT, he took the time to watch how I walked, he actually video tapped my walking on a tread mill. He also checked the calfs muscle stiffness to find out where I was having the pain. Even though I was stretching after the walks, the stretching I was doing was not enough and I was not doing the proper stretches. Then on he also suggested I use a foam roller that is used to work the calf muscles and loosen them up.

Using the foam roller also gives a upper body workout when working the back of the calfs and then it works the stomach muscles when working the front of the legs. Wow after two days, my stomach muscles hurt already. I might actually be able to get some stomach muscles back again.
During the appointment, the PT mentioned I had well developed calf muscles, but I was not bending my ankles when walking. If I did not get the muscles loose, I would continue to have pain and as I tried to walk faster, the pain would just get worse and I would not be able to walk or want to walk the marathon. Since I started doing this on Tuesday, walking has been bearable. The pain has lessened and I can get through the walk with a little less effort.

Training should get better as we start to get into longer walking times and miles. As well as training, we are still fundraising. We have two more events that have just come up. We are going to be planning a Christmas party for kids as a fundraiser. Then we are planning a joint birthday party for Scott and myself. This is also going to be a fundraiser as we celebrate Scott turning 27 and me turning 50. I am hoping we will get support from family and friends and they will come and celebrate with us.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Monday, November 2

Well, it is a new month and we are ending the 40 minutes walk and will be increasing to 45 and 50 minutes. Next week we will actually start with mileage. Last night, I started out before Dan and Scott, because they were not quite ready. I told them that they walk fast enough they will be able to catch up. So, here we go. I know they are behind be somewhere, but cannot hear them. After a little bit, I can finally hear them talking, but wondering why they have not caught up. I figured they were playing with me and figured since I have a slower pace, it should not take long for them to catch up. Well, it came to where the route went down hill and since we have been trying to incorporate some running (if that is what we can call it), i decided to jog. Needless to say, since it was down hill, the pace was a little quicker than they expected. All of a suddent they realized I was moving faster than I originally started. Needless to say they had to pick it up a little to catch up. Finally, we are all walking together. Of course I was out of breath.

After completing the walk, Dan and I went to Erin and Josh's to drop off some milk and potatoes. It was after 8:00 p.m. and we thought Mackenzie would be in bed. To our surprise she was resting with mom, but still up. I decided to sit in the rocking chair to visit a little before we left. All of a suddent, Mackenzie asked to come by me, then she says, " gramma read." She goes to her room, comes back with a book (Merry Christmas Curious George), crawls up on my lap to be read to. This was great! It is not often I get to read a bed time story to Mackenzie. After this, Dan and I got up to leave and Mackenzie crawls back up by mom to snuggle before bed.

What a wonderful way to end an evening.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Group Training

On Saturday, October 24, we had our first group walk. Our coach Jen planned out a walk in the Wauwatosa area which was approximately 4 miles. Jackie, Dan, Jen and myself all particpated in this walk. We were missing two. We started out together as Jen discussed attire to wear during the walks and being prepared for the weather.

We met at 7:00 a.m and the morning was cold. This was a good day to experiment with how many layers may be needed as the weather gets colder as we progress through the training. After a little bit, Dan and I went out in front as Jen walked with Jackie. The one thing about the training, everyone walks at different paces, so it is an opportunity to pair up with someone else and get to know others on the team.

As Dan and I walked, Dan was keeping his hands up in his sleeves, his hands were cold (and he did not bring any gloves). Being the good wife, I gave him my gloves. This helped him not to be so tense while walking. Now, you may be thinking that my hands are cold. Always have a backup plan. One of my layers had sleeves with a cuff/mitt that folds over the hands. I was good.

Even though Dan and I walk hills during our training during the week, there was one hill that gave a little more challenge. Even Dan complained his shins hurt. Dan and I finished about 15 minutes earlier than Jackie and Jen. As we waited for them, it gave us the opportunity to stretch. I really noticed at this time my hamstrings were tight. It was a good morning of training.

It has been fun and exciting to be able to train with Dan. It has a different feeling doing this together, totally different from when I trained in 2007/2008 for the Rock n Roll Marathon in Phoenix.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

We have been training, but it has been a challenge some days trying to find the time. We are only walking time right now to just get our endurance built up. In November, we will be starting with miles. One night Scott joined us and I thought Dan walked fast. Dan even made a comment about how I take one and half steps to his one, Dan was taking one and half steps to Scott's one. Scott was thinking about joining us in training for the marathon and participating. I think his bubble got burst when he went to work and tried to get support.

Another night, we went out late and took Mackenzie (our 2 year old granddaughter) with us. What an adventure. It was dark and we needed to take a flashlight. I had one and we Mackenzie always likes to have a flashlight. We gave her one. We tried to get her to shine it out front when a car would come and that is when she would hide it. Then she would shine it up at Dan as he is pushing the stroller, in his face, then he could not see where he was going. It is always fun when the granddaughters come along.

Last night it was actually very warm here, it hit 69 degrees. Dan and I walked at 6:45 p.m. Pretty dark, but it is surprising how many other people are out walking together or with their dog. We have to take advantage of the nice weather when we can right now. Today it is raining, but we will probably use this as a rest day, since I am attending a stretching clinic tonight (if I feel better) and Dan bowls.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tuesday, October 13

Today was a stressful day for Dan and myself. I arrived home at 5:00 p.m., Dan was not home yet, so I decided to start getting ready to walk because I had a meeting I needed to go to at church. As I was putting my socks on, Dan drives into the subdivision. When he enters the house, Scott says to Dan, you better hurry because mom is ready to go. As we are about to head out the door, we remember Schwans will be coming soon. We have our list created, so we decide to put it on the door and ask Cary to come back later.

Off we go. This time we take a different route in the subdivision and as we are walking, we are listening to birds and I believe we heard the same owl from the night before. One thing I really enjoy about waking in the subdivision is that we never know what we will see or hear.

Writing about the training is not always entertaining, but it helps me to put things into perspective. Again, we are on the 40 minute training schedule for this week. This is to get us use to walking longer time periods, because when we start getting into the longer training days of miles, we will be walking for a minimum of an hour to start before going for 2-3 hours.

As we walked back into our subdivision, the Schwans truck drove past. Yes, it was Cary the Schwans man. We have formed a relationship with Cary and we always enjoy talking to him when he comes each month. It is great to learn how others have handled circumstances in their lives. With the sharing, we learn how these circumstances has made each person stronger in life. Then to our surprise, Cary was the first to actually make a online donation for us. What a blessing he is in friendship.

These are the days that will be challenging, but with the support of family, friends and prayer, we will strive on for the purpose we started this for. To continue to help Emma (our sponsored child) and the many individuals that are affected by blood cancers.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday, October 12

Today was the first day of 40 minutes of walking. Dan and I walked through the subdivision across the street. While we were walking we left Scott to start dinner. He had Peyton for the night and we were waiting for Erin and Josh to bring Mackenzie over for the two girls could spend time together. While we were walking, Mackenzie was dropped off and Erin and Josh ran off to Walmart to pick up a few things. Now that left Scott with two 28 month old girls and trying to make dinner.

Dan and I are enjoying our walk together, working on a fast pace and listening to an owl hoot in the trees. Now, Dan and are 3/4 the way through the training when we receive a phone call from Scott asking where we are. I ask him, why, what is going on. He then proceeds to tell us, how he has both Peyton and Mackenzie on his own and his hands are full of flour and dough and he has two little girls that had accidents. I can just imagine the sight. When we arrived home, Scott had both girls by the cutting board helping him roll and dough and cut noodles. He did well.

We finally got dinner finished and had a good time letting the girls play and visiting with the kids.